We Don’t Do This Work Because It’s Easy. We Do It Because We Must.

We don't do this work because it's easy.

It never has been, and as we’re all digesting the results of the election and its implications, we realize that the coming years will challenge us in ways that we have not been before as individuals, as communities, as service providers, as advocates, and as a movement to end sexual and domestic violence. That’s ok. We’ll get through it. We always have. 

We don’t do this work because it’s easy. And now more than ever, the National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence (NTF) is committed to ensuring that we center survivors of sexual and domestic violence and their needs in the policies we advocate for.  We are especially concerned that survivors of color, survivors who are immigrants, LGBTQ survivors, Native American survivors, survivors of faith, survivors with disabilities--all survivors who are vulnerable to the additional burdens of discrimination and lack of access--have the collective voice of the NTF amplifying their needs. We all need to stand together, and we will.

We realize that this may feel like a time of great uncertainty. It is. Take the time you need to reflect and care for yourself, those you serve, and those you work with. And then let’s transform that uncertainty into an opportunity to build.

We don’t do this work because it’s easy. We do it because we must. We hope you’ll join us. 

The National Task Force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence.

Click here to download a copy of this statement.